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Conference on Regulating Financial Markets 2024

FS Campus Adickesallee 32-34, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

We are pleased to announce an upcoming conference dedicated to the regulation of financial markets. This event will bring together experts from the fields of finance, economics, and law to discuss the latest research on the intersection of financial intermediation and regulation. Key topics to be addressed at the conference include: The impact of financial...

AI Frontiers in Finance Seminar


Monthly Online Seminar Series: AI Frontiers in Finance We are excited to invite you to our first AI Frontiers in Finance Seminar, taking place on September 10. This seminar will focus on the topic "Real-time Machine Learning in the Cross-Section of Stock Returns," featuring a presentation by Professor Alberto Rossi from Georgetown University and Rohit...


FS Campus Adickesallee 32-34, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

Much Money, Little Capital, and Few Reforms – Fazit der Bankenkrise 2023 “Much Money, Little Capital, and Few Reforms” is the title of the new Geneva Report published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Last year’s crisis in the banking and financial sector and its effects are analysed. We cordially invite you to...

Capital Markets Day 2024

FS Campus Adickesallee 32-34, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

1. Jahreskonferenz am 18. September 2024 in der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Durch verschiedene Treiber ist das Kapitalmarktgeschäft derzeit in Bewegung wie selten zuvor: Die Kapitalmarktunion soll weiter vorangetrieben werden, unter anderem durch ein europäisches Consolidated Tape und eine Stärkung des Clearings in der Europäischen Union. Zugleich gibt es erhebliche Fortschritte im Bereich der Digitalisierung, wo insbesondere...

AI Frontiers in Finance – Session 2


Following the success of our first session, we are excited to invite you to session 2 of the AI Frontiers in Finance Seminar, taking place on October 8. This Seminar will feature a presentation by Professor Bryan Kelly from Yale University on the topic “Virtue of Complexity in Factor Pricing Models,” with Maximillian Stroh from...

AI Frontiers in Finance – Session 3


We are pleased to invite you to Session 3 of the AI Frontiers in Finance Seminar, taking place on November 12. This session will feature a presentation by Gordon Phillips from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, together with Jan Kinne from ISTARI.AI, who will discuss the paper Intellectual Property Protection Lost and Competition: An...

AI Frontiers in Finance – Session 4


We invite you to Session 4 of our AI Frontiers in Finance Webinar, scheduled for December 10, 2024. Building on the success of the previous sessions. Tania Babina from Columbia Business School, will present insights from her latest research: Artificial Intelligence and Firms' Systematic Risk togehther with Xaver Kelbel. We look forward to your participation...

AI Frontiers in Finance – Session 5


We invite you to Session 5 of our AI Frontiers in Finance Webinar, scheduled for February 11, 2025. Building on the success of the previous sessions. Marina Niessner from Kelley School of Business and Christos Makridis from Dainamic, will present: "AI Personality Extraction from Faces: Labor Market Implications". We look forward to your participation in...

C-Level Insights: Shaping Europe’s Transition

FS Campus Adickesallee 32-34, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

The Centre for European Transformation is thrilled to announce an exciting NEW lecture format on Leadership & Transformation in Europe: "C-Level Insights: Shaping Europe's Transition", featuring prominent industry practitioners! Get ready to gain invaluable insights from top professionals who are shaping the future of their fields. These exclusive sessions will offer you a unique opportunity to learn from...

2. Annual Conference 2025 – Centre for European Transformation

FS Campus Adickesallee 32-34, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

Topic of our 2nd Annual Conference: Powering European Competitiveness: Innovation, Finance, and Strategic Resilience Why Attend? Europe faces significant challenges in energy, digitalization, and securing critical raw materials. This conference brings together top leaders from finance, policy, and industry to discuss strategies for fostering innovation, strengthening resilience, and maintaining Europe´s competitive edge in an evolving...

AI Frontiers in Finance – Session 6


We invite you to Session 6 of our AI Frontiers in Finance Webinar, scheduled for March 11, 2025. Building on the success of the previous sessions. Oliver Giesecke from Hoover Institution, Stanford University, will present insights from his latest research. We look forward to your participation in what promises to be another engaging and informative...